Who We Are

Our Motto - "Helping Families, One Pet at a Time"

TLB Foundation is a rescue dedicated to changing the lives of unwanted pets and promoting the community by providing services and support to autistic children in schools, Patriots, and the elderly.

To learn more about us and how we got started, click HERE.
Those Left Behind Foundation © 2011-2024 - All Rights Reserved
Website Developed and Maintained by Website to the Rescue
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We have many pets to choose from.  If you are looking for a new companion in your life, please visit our Available Pets page and check out what we have.

We are a volunteer organization.  All donations received go to the medical care, feeding, and transportation of the animals we have taken in and rescued. We also provide visitation to nursing homes, hospice centers, veteran’s hospitals, therapy centers, and children’s medical facilities. There are many costs involved in running an organization of this type and we rely primarily on donations and contributions.

A donation of any amount makes a difference. 
To make a donation to us today, just click on our secure PayPal button.

In additional to financial support, there are many other ways you can help.
Please visit our Ways to Help page for more details.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Pups, Prisoners and Patriots. 
April 2024

Exciting News!!!!!!!!

Those Left Behind is thrilled to be recognized by the
@PetcoLove for our lifesaving work!
A $3,000 investment will help us continue to find
loving homes for pets in Las Vegas/Lovelock.
Daily, twenty-two warriors lose their lives to suicide; thousands of unwanted dogs are euthanized; and 53% of prisoner’s relapse and return to the prison system. 

Our program is aimed at changing these statistics in our state.  Our program takes those unwanted dogs from high-kill shelters, moves them into the prison program where prisoners can train them and learn skills for the outside world while boosting their confidence.  The trained dogs then go to start their job as a therapy/family companion. 

The 3P Program knows that with each dog saved, the life of a prisoner and the life of a Veteran are changed forever.
When we hold our Adoption Events, they are generally held on
Saturday mornings from 9:00AM til Noon. 

Out of respect for our animals we do take weather conditions into consideration. 

You can always follow us on our Social Media page for updates or by contacting the store for details. 

Adoptions will be held at Petco located at
10000 W Sahara Ave #120
Las Vegas, NV  89135

Click Here for their map and directions

Pups, Prisoners and Patriots. 
We are looking for a few good men, women, or the family of a Veteran or Active Duty Service Member, that need a trained companion dog to make their life a little easier.  We have dogs available approximately every 8 weeks.

Our application and approval process takes some time to ensure you are a match with the perfect Pup.  If you have a specific breed or size you want, we can add you to our wait list.

Time is limited and these Pups go fast, so do not hesitate to reach out to us and get the conversation started.

Call us at (702) 630-8523, or email info@tlbfoundation.org,
or private message us through our Pups, Prisoners & Patriots Facebook page.

Veterans do not have to be local to Las Vegas but it is preferred.
Those Left Behind Dogumentary

This documentary (dogumentary) focuses on Those Left Behind Foundation, a local animal rescue based in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Pups, Prisoners and Patriots. 
Logo Wear now available!

Visit our 3P General Store
Please check out one of our partners, Paracord Pet Collars, and help us raise money for our Organization.

Paracord Pet Collars (www.paracordpetcollars.com) custom makes dog & cat collars, dog leashes, leash couplers (walk 2 dogs on 1 leash), doggie seat belts, and many other items out of a wide variety of Paracord. There are over 70 different weaves, and over 75 different colors to choose from so the possibilities are endless on what YOU can design for your pet.

Paracord Pet Collars will donate 10% of your purchase to our Organization.  All you have to do is send Paracord Pet Collars an email after ordering to let them know you would like to support our organization, and they will send us a donation.  It’s that simple.

Visit www.paracordpetcollars.com to check out all the varieties they have to offer and place your order.
It is hard to believe that another year has passed.  We have been so busy doing what we do best that the time just goes by without
even realizing it.  This year has been an extremely large challenge for TLB.  We have had a large amount of medical care this year and the
funds are low.  We have always tried to be self-sustaining so that we were not asking for donations each time we took in a larger than
usual medical.  We would never let that prevent us from helping an animal in need.  We understand the economic times that we are living
in, but we don’t understand the negligence and abuse that we have seen innocent animals put through.  They do not deserve it.  We have
put in a lot of hours with very few volunteers and little resources.  We made it through the year and now we are reaching out to you, our
loyal supporters, to help us.

As we reach the season of giving, and this very special GIVING TUESDAY, we humbly ask that you think what you might be able to
help us with.  Our funds are low, but the need is still extremely great.  Some of the horrific things that we have seen this past year has
been unthinkable.  I don’t know how to explain it.  Never in all the years of rescue would I have thought that I would have seen it come to
this.  I would like to take a moment to share with you some of the ways that your donations have helped us throughout this past year.
These are just four of the dogs that your donations helped this past year.  We hope that this helps you to see how very important you are to the foundation.  We wish that we could do more.  We take what we can with the fosters that we have.  We also work very hard to make sure that we can help our veterans and first responders out through our Pups, Prisoners and Patriots Program.  That helps all three groups.  It helps dogs that are hard to adopt, it helps the prisoners to focus and gain skills but very importantly, it helps our Veterans and First Responders who have given so much for us.

In closing, we would like to
THANK YOU for all your support throughout the year. TLB has some of the best supporters that are out there, and it means everything to us.

We hope that you and your families enjoy a safe and happy holiday season.
Your support means everything to the animals that we help!
THOSE LEFT BEHIND FOUNDATION is in great need of volunteer help! 
There are so many areas that we could really use assistance

Please read below
Our Rescues need temporary homes to live and learn how to be part of a family until they find their forever home!  We provide all the food, treats, and medical expenses ... you provide the love.  The more homes we have, the more animals we save.

Please email us for details or message us on Facebook.
Daily, twenty-two warriors lose their lives to suicide; thousands of unwanted dogs are euthanized; and 53% of prisoner’s relapse and return to the prison system. 

Our program is aimed at changing these statistics in our state.  Our program takes those unwanted dogs from high-kill shelters, moves them into the prison program where prisoners can train them and learn skills for the outside world while boosting their confidence.  The trained dogs then go to start their job as a therapy/family companion. 

The 3P Program knows that with each dog saved, the life of a prisoner and the life of a Veteran are changed forever.
We are looking for a few good men, women, or the family of a Veteran or Active Duty Service Member, that need a trained companion dog to make their life a little easier.  We have dogs available approximately every 8 weeks.

Therapy Pets for Veterans

As an organization we are thankful for our veterans and all those that serve others.  We believe it is important to honor them and help where we can.  Many health organizations believe that animals used to relieve the tedium of everyday therapy are very beneficial for Veterans.  It offers them a diversion from repetitive therapy and also gives them an emotional outlet for the loss of friends or sadness associated with homesickness.  The pet offers them a memory and a bond of that pet back home they are hoping to see soon or of the pet they may want to adopt when they get home.  More often it is just having the companionship of animal and handler that do not judge, they just sit and listen and offer a loving hand and paw.
For as little as 92¢ per day you can make this a better year for many homeless pets.

CLICK HERE to learn more
Our first little girl that was helped and that is a forever foster presently is “Lilly”.  She is a 3-year-old French Bulldog.  She of course was used for breeding and was not provided the best of care. When her back end was injured and she was of no more use to the breeder, he dumped her at the shelter.  Well, who wants a broken Frenchie??  She sat there in pain for several weeks. No one wanted her and she was in jeopardy of being euthanized. My foster went and pulled her because she knew that this angel needed some love and care.  She worked with her day in and day out.  We took care of her medical needs and eventually were able to get her spayed. She has to be watched very carefully so that her spine doesn’t reinjure itself again, but for the time being, she is alive, thriving and loving her life with her foster mom.  It is truly amazing what can be done when you take the time to really try to understand the animal and their needs.  A big heart full of love truly helps as well.
We took in Anna and her 3 siblings that had been dumped in a box in front of the shelter
at only 3 weeks old.  No mother to care for them.  We truly knew nothing about them.   So, we
did what we do best.  Loved them and took care of them and tried to help them get through the
next few weeks without their mom.  Well as it turned out, Anna had a broken leg.  So sad to
see a poor little pup limping around.  We got her taken care of and she was restricted to the
kennel for 8 weeks so as not to move her leg much.  The time passed and she was held,
rocked and cuddled a lot so she could feel the love.  The day after she went for her check-up
on her leg she wasn’t feeling well.  Back to the vet.  Anna had somehow contracted a mild
case of parvo. She spent a couple nights with the vet until she had the all clear and then back
to the kennel she went for another 2 ½ weeks of recovery.  Anna knew all the love that she
could.  Even though she was kennel bound for the first 3 months of her life, she was loved and
cared for until she was well enough to be out running and playing.  I am happy to say that Anna
was adopted by a wonderful woman back in October and I know that love will continue in her
forever home.
2022 seemed to be a year for us for parvo.  We are very diligent about taking care of puppies
when we get them, but sometimes, others don’t always take that seriously. We had taken in a
litter of 4 little girls. They were a small breed. We had only had them a short time when
something definitely wasn’t right. One of the little girls was extremely lethargic and not eating
as well as another symptom.  It was in the car to the Emergency Clinic immediately.  She had
a very extreme case of parvo.  That meant that the three siblings would also need to be
checked. Parvo is an extremely costly illness and when you are treating 4 puppies you are
praying that they will pull through. Two of our girls did not show positive but we did take the
proactive route and treat them since they were all in the same area together. The sister Karli
tested positive so she was treated, which meant she spent several days with the vets office.
Sadly, the original sister that showed the most extreme case gave it a long hard fight, but we
lost her.  You see, when you are a rescuer, you don’t give up on an animal because they are
sick.  You fight for them with every ounce of strength that you have within you.  You live through
this battle with them.  You pray a lot and hope that they are strong enough to pull through. 
Sometimes, that doesn’t happen.  The important thing is that you always must try and don’t
give up.  These animals rely on us, we are their voice.  Where would they be without us?
One last dog I would like to share with you is Bolt.  He came to rescue as a young puppy,
hadn’t even opened his eyes yet.  We were never able to adopt him out, so when he was old
enough we sent him through our training program, Pups, Prisoners & Patriots.  Once they
graduate from there, they are given to Veterans and First Responders.  Bolt was given to a
veteran. About 2 months down the road we received a very chilling phone call from a dog
rescue team and they had retrieved Bolt off the side of Sunrise Mountain.  It seems that Bolt’s
person no longer wanted him and opened the door and let him go.  We have a policy of taking
our dogs back so this doesn’t happen.  It was horrific for the poor boy.  Bolt was only 1 ½
years old.  He had been on the mountain for about 3 days.  He was hungry, dehydrated and
had ripped up paw pads.  He literally had to be carried down the mountain.  If they hadn’t found
him when they had, he would probably been eaten by the coyotes up there.  We are thankful
for their help. Bolt spent a couple of days being treated by the vets office for his injuries and
dehydration.  We are very fortunate that we did not lose him.  I am happy to say that he has
been placed with a very loving military family and I get pictures on a regular basis.
A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization
THOSE LEFT BEHIND FOUNDATION is in great need of volunteer help!  There are
so many areas that we could really use assistance. Currently, it is one person reviewing everything, so it
takes a while in some instances for someone to get back to you.  In order for us to grow and to be able
to assist more animals in the community, it is imperative that we find help.  We are looking for people
that really love working with and for the animals. We are a 100% volunteer organization.  If you feel that
this is something that you have always wanted to be involved with and be able to share your talents, you
would be welcomed with open paws!  It is ruff trying to do it all.

Some of the areas where we need help:

•  Foster coordinator - oversees fosters and their needs
•  Fostering (this is always a big one & so very important)
•  Veterinarian coordinator for spays, neuters and vaccines
•  Fundraising & special events coordinator
•  Social Media
•  Adoption follow-up
•  Grant writing

We also offer a teen volunteer program for our teens that may require volunteer credit hours for
school.  They are able to assist at our adoption events on Saturday mornings with parental consent. 
These teens are a true blessing when it comes to helping with the dogs.

For additional information, please reach out to us at info@tlbfoundation.org
Thank you for your consideration

We want to send out a huge and sincere thank you to both the RAIDERS Foundation as well as the LV Super Bowl LVIII Host Committee Charities.  They have awarded Those Left Behind Foundation a $15,000 grant for our PUPS, PRISONERS & PATRIOTS PROGRAM for the work we do to help veterans.  

If you are a veteran and are looking for some help with an assist dog/companion animal, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Through this grant, we will be continuing to offer our services to our veterans, military families and first responders. We enjoy our freedoms because of the sacrifices you have made.  Thank you…